Why I started a blog

To everyone who has supported and cheered for me thus far, thank you. I couldn’t be where I am today without you all! Matt, you are my rock. I love you with everything I am. I hope I can make you and Marek proud.
Prior to becoming a mama, I had lots of time and experiences to figure out and define what kind of parent I wanted to be. I read books, took child psychology classes, soaked in all the advice from my friends with kids, and reflected on my own childhood. Years of infertility brought heartache and joy, and with that, we were able to conceive our son, Marek. I am far from a perfect parent but I am confident with the parent that I am. I choose to be intentional with most of the things I do with Marek and how I spend my time. I have made a lot of effort to stay busy with him, mostly for my sanity but also to support his developmental needs.
Starting a blog has been on my heart for quite a while now but the timing just hasn’t been right until recently. I was planning to be a stay at home mom until our son was one year old until an opportunity opened up at our daycare to get Marek in. I decided to go back and finish my associate’s degree. Although it was an extremely tough decision, it was truly the best for all three of us and I am so happy that we did. Since the semester started, I have had so much more free time to focus on my needs (which, I might add, is so important in being a happy partner and mama. I know from experience). Because the process to get my blog up and running has gone so smooth, I really feel like this is what I’m meant to do in this phase in my life and I feel so inspired.
I’m the kind of mama that always wants to talk and share every little thing about her pride and joy. I always feel guilty if I post on social media because I really want to share a whole story with all the details about our little adventures and I don’t know if Facebook is the place for it. I have had some amazing mamas reach out to me and ask about the activities we do, as well as cloth diapering, and it makes me so happy! My hope is that if there are a few people that are interested in our lifestyle that I do know, maybe there is more that I just haven’t connected with yet.
My goal is to provide more in-depth content and reach more people interested in, or going through, the same things that I am! I genuinely get so excited when people ask me about certain subjects regarding our life and I love to educate and encourage any chance I can get. I love the idea of blogging because I get to share one of the best parts of myself. I am impulsive by nature so being able to get a moment to think things through and write it all out is so healing for me. I hope all my readers enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy writing it. I can’t wait to see where this takes us.
Lots of love,